Caritas flood victim appeal

Caritas Polska has appealed for more aid for the victims of the recent floods in Poland and is holding collections throughout the country, Sunday.

People affected by the recent flooding in Poland are still in trouble, needing food, clean water, and other domestic items. Aid to help rebuild some of the devastation caused by the flooding which affected many parts of Poland in the past weeks is also urgently needed.

Caritas is organising a collection throughout the day to help flood victims.

“These are victims in need: all this situation demands from us is solidarity which is why I want to appeal to everyone especially today during the nationwide collection,” says Father Marian Subocz, the director of Caritas Polska:
Father Subocz underlines that the money collected will be a sign that the flood victims are not alone.
“We have to remember to also help these people spiritually: this a great tragedy, some people have totally broken down. Sometimes it is enough to say a kind word and we know that this helps people to carry on and rebuild their lives, and their homes,” he says.
Caritas has already raised over 900,000 zloty (around 290 thousand dollars) to the flood victims, with aid distributed by local dioceses.

More information on how to help may be found on the Caritas Polska web site. (jb/pg)