President Kaczynski awards Poland’s kiddie heroes


Presidential Palace, Warsaw

Poland’s young heroes attended a special meeting at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw earlier today. 


President Lech Kaczyński invited twelve children, aged from 7 to 14, that have saved lives of people, be it their family members or strangers. In recognition of their acts, the children received gifts from the chief of the president and First Lady, and the National Headquarters of the State Fire Service. 


One of the heroes is 12-year-old Damian who rescued his entire family from carbon monoxide poisoning, and 10-year-old Karol who called for help and rescued his grandmother after a fire broke out in their home.   The president has also invited four kids aged from 9 to 13, who administered CPR to a motorcyclist injured in a road accident, thus saving his life. 


President Lech Kaczyński congratulated young people on their courage and determination in situations that required maturity and caution.


 “Thank you for your bravery, your reflex, daring in that you keep your composure under strain, and that when you see there is something wrong going on, you react like adults,” President Kaczynski told his young audience and their parents.


The head of state has congratulated the children and their parents that have brought them up to be who they are, expressing the wish that were far more citizens like them in Poland.  The participants observed a minute of silence for Urszula Poliwczuk and Janusz Bobak, two children who perished in fires, trying to rescue their siblings. Ula and Janusz have been posthumously recognized with the Medal for Sacrifice and Courage. (ab)