Poland prepares for thaw and floods

With increasing temperatures, heavy snowfall or rain expected throughout Poland in the coming weeks, Defense Minister Bogdan Klich has announced that about 10,000 Polish soldiers stand at the ready for flood relief.

Thursday temperatures are expected to rise above zero for the first time in weeks and meteorologists predict rain in some parts of Poland, and, compounded with snowmelt,  chances of flooding are dramatically increased, particularly in the eastern Podlasie and southern Silesia regions of the country.
Photo by John Beauchamp.

“These resources will help safeguard Poles against even the most adverse conditions,” stated Minister Klich, adding that the Defense Ministry is making available twice as many soldiers from reserve forces and will ready equipment and vehicles for emergency scenarios.

Soldiers are prepared to build temporary bridges, evacuate citizens and repair means of infrastructure in case of heavy flooding.

Authorities recommend that Poles ready waterproof footwear and, especially in rural areas, ensure that they have reserves of food, blankets, sleeping bags, flashlights, medical supplies,  battery-powered radios and clean water in case of floods. (mmj)