Twenty five drowned Sunday


Twenty-five people drowned Sunday alone, making a total of ninety four people who have drowned in Poland since the beginning of July and the onset of a heat wave with temperatures exceeding 30 Celsius.


 “We appeal for common sense. People should remember not to rush into water when their body is warmed up by sun because they may suffer a thermal shock and faint. A tragedy may happen, even in shallow water. Also, we advise people not to overestimate their swimming skills,” says Karol Jakubowski, press spokesperson for police headquarters.


Among the victims is a 17 year old boy, who went swimming with his girlfriend in an unused gravel pit in southern Poland. When he disappeared under water, the girl ran for help. It took two hours to recover his body. A 15 year old drowned in an unguarded part of the Bolmino water reservoir in south-central Poland, having slipped from a floating mattress and drowning despite attempts to save him undertaken by several witnesses.


“Do not bathe when under the influence of alcohol,  do not swim in unguarded waters and listen to what life guards tell you,” warns Jakubowski. Police officers list alcohol consumption, risky behavior and bathing in unguarded sites among the main causes of drowning.


Since the beginning of Apri,l 300 people have drowned in Poland. (kk/mmj) |