Retirement for women remains at 60



The Constitutional Tribunal has ruled that a lower retirement age for women is in compliance with the Supreme Law of Poland.


Women in Poland are entitled to pension leave 5 years earlier than men. Already three years ago, the Constitutional Tribunal had been petitioned on the matter by the erstwhile Civil Rights Ombudsman, Janusz Kochanowski, who considered the solution as discriminatory.


Kochanowski claimed that earlier professional retirement in the case of women resulted in lower pension premiums for them, and that no valid arguments upholding such a discrepancy in retirement age for men and women could be presented by the State.


Statistics of longer life spans for women and lack of respective data proving a worse state of their health in general terms, have prompted many European countries to set the same age for retirement for both sexes. The Polish government has been advocating the same trend. (ss/jb)


Source: IAR |