Poles love e-porn


Poles are among the most frequent users of a popular porn sites, shows a report by the US company Alexa.


Polish internet users are the fifth largest audience of RedTube, one of the largest porn websites in the world. RedTube is more popular in Poland than the social networking site, the PKP Polish Railways site or a popular site with job ads. As many as 4.3 percent of RedTube’s users are Poles, following Americans (21.3 percent), Brazilians (7 percent), the British (4.8 percent) and Italians (4.6 percent). 


“More and more people in Poland get addicted to porn. An increasing number of people seek help at psychotherapists,” says Prof. Jerzy Mellibruda, psychologist.


According to a report by sexologist Prof. Zbigniew Izdebski, surveying 10,000 Polish internet users, as many as 86 percent of them watch porn sites. In 1994, only every second Pole admitted watching porn, a report by CBOS showed. The fact that so many Poles visit porn sites does not mean that they are necessary addicted to pornography.


“You are addicted when you lose control and, for example, spend someone else’s money on sex calls,” says Prof. Mellibruda. The Polish Society of Human Life Defenders, however, holds the opposite view. In their opinion, people who watch porn frequently put sex scenarios known from porn movies into practice, like American serial killer Ted Bundy who was fascinated with images of sex and violence. Prof. Izdebski thinks, however, that Poles’ interest in pornography results from the lack of sex education. “People wrongly treat porn movies as educational material. Besides, they still think it is a forbidden fruit which tastes better,” says Izdebski. (mg/mmj)


Source: TVN24 |