Twenty three year-old Malgosia from the north-western town of Police has died after taking smart drugs.
After she ingested up to six smart drug tablets the woman was immediately taken to hospital shaking, losing and then regaining consciousness. In spite of doctor’s efforts to detoxicate her, Malgosia died.
She leaves behind a three year-old daughter.
“The autopsy showed that the death was caused by smart drug poisoning. The woman took six or seven pills called “massacrators”, which she bought in a smart drug shop in the northern city of Szczecin. We are presuming suicide,” Boguslawa Matecka from the Prosecutor’s Office in Szczecin told the Gazeta Wyborcza daily.
Smart drugs may have unpredictable side effects and can lead to liver and kidneys failure.
The smart drugs taken by Malgosia have similar effects ecstasy pills. Amphetamine stimulates the nervous system and one has psychedelic visions. One “massacrator” pill costs 40 zloty (10 euro). (mg) |