Washington trip effective says Macierewicz

Antoni Macierewicz; photo - Jakub szymczuk
Former foreign minister Anna Fotyga and MP Antoni Macierewicz have positively assessed reaction to their four day visit to Washington to canvass US support for an international commission to investigate the Smolensk tragedy.

The representatives of the opposition Law and Justice party say they are confident their meetings with Republican politicians on Capitol Hill will result in relevant resolutions being made in the House of Representatives and The Senate.

Earlier, the two Law and Justice politicians presented a petition signed by 300,000 to Republican lawmakers calling for an international investigation.

“I can only disclose at present that more than five US Senators have declared an intention to sign the document,” Macieriewicz told reporters.

Russia to blame

MP Antoni Macierewicz - who heads an ad hoc parliamentary committee in the Sejm (Lower House) established at the initiative of the opposition Law and Justice party to conduct an independent investigation of the April presidential plane crash at Smolensk - is convinced that responsibility for the tragic accident on 10 April is on the side of Russian air controllers.

“The direct cause of the disaster was false information given by the Russian control tower," Macierewicz said, in contradiction to Russian investigators who have pointed to pilot error as being the main cause of the tragedy that killed President Lech Kaczynski and 95 others in western Russia.

When in Washington, Macierewicz and Fotyga met with Andrey Illarionov, a former economic advisor to Russian PM Vladimir Putin who resigned his position in protest at what he saw as the authoritarian nature of the government in the Kremlin.

Illarionov is presently with the Washington based Cato Institute. Macierewicz also informed that Andrei Illarionov has been appointed an expert of the Law and Justice parliamentary committee.

Fotyga and Macierewicz are now in Chicago for meetings with local politicians and will return to Poland on Tuesday. (ss/pg)

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