Opposition files motion of no confidence in defence minister


Bogdan Klich; photo - PR

The Law and Justice party has filed a motion for a non-confidence vote in Defence Minister Bogdan Klich over what they see as his mishandling of the Smolensk air disaster.


“Bogdan Klich is an incredibly unskillful minister and the Polish armed forces is in a really bad state,” said Mariusz Blaszczak, leader of the Law and Justice (PiS) parliamentary party. Blaszczak added that MPs from other parties who care about Poland should support the motion.


“Polish aviation is in a poor condition; as many as 120 people died in military plane and helicopter crashes under Klich’s term of office. The Defence Ministry did not react properly to the publication of the Russian Interstate Aviation Committee’s report on the Smolensk air disaster and Bogdan Klich did not take action when disgraceful news about the cause of the disaster, presented by the Russian committee, were reported by foreign media,” says MP Ludwik Dorn.


Poland Comes First party (PJN) which emerged from the Law and Justice, is going to support the motion to dismiss the Defence Minister.


“Klich should have been dismissed long ago and PM Donald Tusk is responsible for not having done this. Klich is not the right person for the post,” said Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska, leader of Poland Comes First. (mg)


Source: IAR, PAP