Polish migration to France festivals opens

The Polish Institute in Paris and the Cité Nationale de l’Histoire de l’Immigration are organising a concerts dedicated to the presence of Poles - and Polish Jews - in France.

The series of concerts kick off this weekend with a performance of Klezmer music performed by the Cufunkt band from Poland and Yom from France.

A discussion forum will be led at the Auditorium of the Cité de l’histoire de l’immigration by political scientist Jean-Yves Pontel, a leading member of the Shoah Memorial in Poland, who will give a lecture on the history of Polish migration to France the experiences during and after WW I

There will also be a screening of the 1991 documentary Sept Juifs de ma classe (Seven Jews of my school class) by Marcel Lozinskiwhich, which presents testimonies of Polish Jews forced to leave Poland in 1968. (pg)