Day of Talents in Poland


Children from selected schools across Poland came to Warsaw today as one of the highlights of the new 'Day of Talents,' an event aimed at discovering and developing the gifts of Polish youngsters.


A lucky few schoolchildren will have a day of exceptional demonstrations and workshops at Warsaw's Copernicus Science Centre, a high-tech new enterprise that opened in November 2010.


Minister of Education Katarzyna Hall, as well as Minister of Culture Bogdan Zdrojewski, are taking part in the inauguration this morning.


The Day of Talents is part of a broader, year-long programme of the Ministry of Education entitled 'Year of Discovering Talents.'


Today, at a number of specially chosen schools across the country, teachers will abandon normal lessons in favour of a programme of activities aimed at developing the intellectual, artistic and sporting talents of pupils.


Individual schools are free to lead these sessions in the way of their choosing. (nh)


Source: IAR