Smolensk: Two thirds of Poles still waiting for an answer



A new poll reveals that two thirds of Poles believe that the Smolensk disaster has not been thoroughly explained and almost the same number do not think that there are chances it will be in the nearest future.


The poll, which was undertaken by TNS OBOP, shows that only 21 percent believe that an explanation is forthcoming.


Three quarters of respondents say that the victims of the disaster have been properly honoured, while 19 percent are of an opposite opinion.


Sixty-nine percent of respondents said that politicians have failed to draw the right conclusions from the disaster.


TNS OBOP analysts point out that the research has shown a definite split in public opinion, which generally believes that victims have been honoured but that the causes of the catastrophe are not known, nor has it had an impact on politicians.


Political preferences also have a bearing on the results of the research: more Law and Justice supporters believe that the disaster has not been properly commemorated (64 percent) and that its causes have not been clarified (90 percent).


Twenty percent of Law and Justice supporters believe that all the causes of the disaster will be explained as opposed to 32 percent of supporters of the ruling Civic Platform.


The poll was carried out between 3-6 March on a representative group of 1,000 Poles aged over 15. (ek/jb)


Source: PAP