Parliament debates ‘right to life’ clause in Constitution

Heads of parliamentary parties met today to debate on the exact wording and placement in the Polish Constitution of the proposed ‘right to life’ amendment.

The ‘status quo’ amenment, proposed by the president and prime minister would prevent any future liberalization of Poland’s abortion laws, or any move towards legalizing euthaniasia.

Poland's Prime Minister Jarosław Kaczyński has expressed hope that coalition parties will support this version.

The other proposition by minor coalition partner League of Polish Families would add a clause to the constitution saying that the state protects life "from conception to natural death".

307 votes are needed to pass the amendment. The second reading is scheduled for Wednesday, and the issue will be voted on after the Easter break.

Poland already has one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the European Union.

The debate around euthanasia was sparked off earliet this year by the case of Janusz Switaj, who was badly injured several years ago in a motorcycle accident and has expressed his desire to die once one of his parents, who look after him full time, pass away.