Parliamentary commission continues ‘pro life’ debate

The parliamentary special commission is again discussing a bill amending the constitution with an eye to the protection of life.

The bill had a second reading in the House on Wednesday, while pro-life and pro-choice campaigners demonstrated before the parliament’s building.

The President proposed that the Constitution should protect life from conception. The League of Polish Families wants to introduce a clause that human life is protected under constitution from conception till natural death.

The special commission recommends an amendment of an article on human dignity which – it says – should be protected from conception.

Poland’s parliamentary speaker Marek Jurek has reiterated that he supports the idea of human life to be protected constitutionally since conception. Jurek hopes that the biggest opposition party, the Civic Platform, will be in favour of such an amendment.

This, he stressed, would be in line with the teachings of the late Polish-born Pope John Paul II.

With a positive response from the Civic Platform it will be possible to muster the support of the required 307 out of 460 MPs.