Anti-Corruption Bureau report reached the PM


PM Donald Tusk has received the report on the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA) prepared by Anti-Corruption Minister Julia Pitera. The document is 40 pages long.


Pitera did not want to disclose any details about the contents and said only that the document “might be seen as disquieting”.


She said that the report describes a series of events that are suspicious and that she is sure that the law had been violated, or at least infringed, by the Bureau. “A lawyer will have to judge that,” said Pitera.


Zbigniew Wasserman, who in the previous government was responsible for the special services, said that the report is a part of an attack on CBA head Mariusz Kamiński.

According to Wasserman, the document will serve as a pretext to dismiss Kamiński. Julia Pitera, on the other hand, announced that she does not want to take Kamiński’s place. (mo)