European Action Week Against Racism

The problem of racism and xenophobia is still very noticeable in Poland while modern day Poles do not seem to fully embrace diversity - alarm activists as Poland marks the European Action Week Against Racism.
Danuta Isler reports
Everyday life in Poland may pose to be a struggle for thousands of foreigners who experience verbal abuse and treatment based on stereotypes. They stress that openness of the society should be followed by an attitude change among officials who should also be more accepting of the migrant community here.
Yet Poland still has a long way to go to complete openness and tolerance - claim activists behind the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination marked over the weekend as part of the European Action Week Against Racism. As part of their campaign, they also appealed to popular online auction sites in Poland to remove from their sales items propagating fascism, racism or chauvinism. We need to be tolerant not only in public space but also in virtual reality - they say.