Blaze engulfs huge warehouse outside Warsaw


Blaze in Wolka Kosowska. Photo: TVP Info
UPDATE - Firefighters are continuing their efforts in trying to tame a blaze of warehouse measuring 10,000 square metres in the Warsaw suburb of Wolka Kosowska.


Capitan Karol Kierzkowski of the Warsaw Fire Brigade told Polish Radio that the fire has englufed much of the warehouse, with fire protection units trying to stem the blaze from reaching adjacent office space.


Up to 30 fire fighting units are taking part in the relief action, with around 90 firefighters trying to control the blaze. Additional units are also arriving at the scene.


Sources say that it will take at least until the evening to bring the blaze under control, with the fire most likely being extinguished on Wednesday morning. The cause of the fire is not yet known. (jb)

Video of the blaze: