LiS – cunning like a fox?


The nationalist League of Polish Families led by deputy PM Roman Giertych and SelfDefense, the populist rural oriented party of former deputy PM Andrzej Lepper  - the two junior members of the ruling coalition with Law and Justice -  have decided to team up in the possibility of early elections.    

Slawek Szefs reports      

The two parties have decided to undertake a joint political initiative and create a new entity. Andrzej Lepper, who remains the absolute and undisputable leader of SelfDefense even after his recent dismissal from government on charges of corruption, welcomed the action with enthusiasm.    

' We are announcing the creation of a new party, the League and Selfdefense. Of course, the two currently existing parties will retain their identity with seperate structures, but we assure you of our united effort.'

The League and SelfDefense is to be officially registered still this month. As if by coincidence, its acronym LiS, means 'fox' in Polish. Indeed, Roman Giertych pledged the new party will be as brave as a lion and cunning as a fox.

Giertych expressed hope this new force on the Polish political scene will be strong enough to block the ratification of the European Treaty, a document his League of Polish Families had been opposing solitarily in parliament, so far.

'Today's decision ushers in a new stage in Polish politics. The aim of our grouping will be to protect Poland's interests by not allowing the acceptance of the Reform Treaty, or simply the European Constitution. We are convinced the alliance with SelfDefense provides a real chance of blocking Polish consent to those decisions, which have been taken in Brussels a few weeks ago.'

The youngest MP in the current term, Krzysztof Bosak from the League of Polish Families says the two parties have a greater community of interests than just opposing some EU initiatives.

' I think we can work in a good atmosphere. We have some program points in common and the basis of such cooperation are such things as supporting family values. It's part of the program of the League of Polish Families. We are against elections before the end of cadency (term). Together we are stronger and we could work with the Law and Justice party in the coalition like partners, not like clients.'

Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski reacted calmly to the news of the two junior members of his government coalition uniting forces. He warned their leaders to show restraint in declarations as there is no guaranty for an unconditional existence of the present coalition.

' We are not interested in fostering a situation which constantly projects negative signals. Law and Justice is not afraid of LiS.'

Will the new League and SelfDefense be able to coordinate its actions, given the strong personalities and insatiable ambitions of the two leaders?  MP Krzysztof Bosak is convinced everything will work out.

' This situation shows that it's not true Roman Giertych or Andrzej Lepper are leaders who can only rule in their own party, but are people who could cooperate with each other, who are open to other parties. For example, we also invited to our project Marek Jurek (former House Speaker and dissident from Law and Justice)  from the new right wing party and Mr. Podkanski from the agriculture party (PSL). So, I think this alliance could be much bigger in a few months and if Law and Justice will decide to organize early elections, together we can be a very serious offer for the electorate.'

Time will quickly show whether this is only empty rhetoric or well grounded optimism of LiS.... the fox.