Mumbai terror dies down, with no Polish casualties



As chaos in the Indian city of Mumbai continues the Polish consulate there is stepping up efforts to seek information about any possible Polish casualties in the terrorist attacks.

Danuta Isler reports.

So far four Poles who  stayed in the Taj Mahal and the Oberoi hotels have been rescued. Over 130 people have died and several hundred people are thought to have been injured as a result of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. 
According to Wladyslaw Stasiak, the head of the National Security Bureau (BBN) the Mumbai ttacks - dubbed the 'Indian 9/11' in the American media - prove that extremist groups changed their tactics and may now target destinations frequented by European and American tourists, like India. Despite that the Polish comunity there is trying to get on with their lives - says Krzysztof Renik, Polish Radio's correspondent in Delhi.

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