• Poland to pick Eurovision Song Contest entry
  • 14.02.2011
Poland readies itself tonight to choose the song to represent the nation in the Eurovision Song Contest semi-finals, held in Düsseldorf this May.

Viewers, poised on the edge of their seats - or not - in front of the TVP channel at 20.25 CET will choose by text-message from ten songs, one of which Poles hope will win them the contest for the first time since Poland joined in the kitsch-fest back in 1994, when Edyta Gorniak came second - the nation’s best ever showing.

The contest can also be viewed outside Poland on TVP Polonia.

Will the winner be Magdalena Tul‘s Jestem, SheMoans’ Supergirl or even The Trash’s Things go better with rock?

If all the glitz and glamour - and naff costumes - will not be enough for you, then no kitsch junky can complain about the co-host for the evening: a computer-generated virtual heart, voiced by actor Wojciech Paszkowski, to coincide with St Valentine’s Day.

Nice. (pg)