• Polish Pope – the musical
  • 24.02.2011

A musical about the life of Pope John Paul II  - featuring songs by Queen and Michael Jackson - is premiered tonight at the Sa da Bandeira Theatre in the Portuguese town of Porto.


Entitled Wojtyla (the Pope’s name before his elevation to papacy), it is the work of Matilde Trocado. It contains testimonies of participants in the World Youth Days with the Pope,  anecdotes about him and snaphots of the main events of his pontificate, focusing on the three pilgrimages to Portugal.


Most of the songs in the musical are by Paulo Espirito Santo. Arrangements of songs by Jacques Brel, Michael Jackson, The Rolling Stones, Queen and U2,  are also used.


The production was first shown in Estoril on 18 May, 2010, the 90th anniversary of  Karol Wojtyla’s birth and earlier this month it had four performances at Teatro Tivoli in Lisbon.


The proceeds from all the performances of Wojtyla go for the Association for the Treatment of Drug Abuse in Portugal. (mk)