• Curse of the trolls - conclusions
  • 29.03.2011
Thanks for the all the responses to our post about upcoming changes to the web site.

Here are some conclusions from that thread.

1. Trolling, or personal bickering, between people appears to be habitual to one or two individuals who contribute to this site. That’s a shame but we will be simply deleting these comments. If Antifa etc continue in this vain then anyone using those names will be banned from the site. Period.

2. Some form of registration is needed - linking up with Facebook is a very interesting idea and I will enquire about that.

3. A ‘report abuse’ feature could be workable but moderation should prove that unnecessary. If you checkout youtube etc, which is not moderated but has that feature, then all you get in the comments is troll, troll and then more trolling…

If you find something that is completely unacceptable in the comments then  please email us at thenewsatpolskieradio.pl and will attend to the problem.

3. iPad/iPhone apps are certainly the way forward for all web sites and we will of course be looking at that, although this will not be happening for a quite while as the techies are snowed under with many other projects.

4. The audio playback feature certainly needs improving and hopefully the new one, which will be online soon, will have playback, fast forward etc.

5. Blogs are indeed planned for the site in the near future (around May/June sometime) to add some variety to the editorial.

Thanks. Peter Gentle (online editor)