In this week’s literary feature we present the work of contemporary Polish writer of absurdist short stories, Natasza Goerke.

Natasza Goerke was born in Poznan, western Poland, in 1960. After studying oriental languages she traveled widely in the East. She began writing her absurdist stories in 1992, and has since published Fractale (1994), and Book of Pates (1997), and most recently, Twisted Spoon Press published a collection of short stories under the title, Farewell to plasma.

Natasza Goerkle lives in Hamburg.

Listen to an English translation of her short story, Waiting Underground.

Or see read the story for yourself at Polish Writing on line translated by W. martin, first published in the collection of short stories by Polish writers in The Eagle and the Crow (Serpent's Tail, 1996)