• Poland remembers JP II
  • 02.04.2009

The 4th anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II falls today, April 2. Commemorations will be held all over Poland and the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, is to celebrate mass to the Polish Pope, held at 18,00 CET at the Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican.


At Pilsudski Square in the heart of Warsaw, the now annual ceremony in the memory of John Paul II will take place. And at exactly at 21.37 CET - the time when John Paul II passed away - a ceremonial 'lighting of the candle' will occur in his remembrance. Sirens will also sound in his memory.


John Paul II, born Karol Wojtyla, was 84 years old when he finally succumbed to a long illness. It was reported that his final message to the world was: "I am happy, you be happy, too. Let's pray together with joy. I entrust everything to the Virgin Mary with joy."


The Dziennik daily reported last week that John Paul II could be beatified - an important step to sainthood - on April 2, 2010. The newspaper claimed that the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, in charge of the process, has already made the decision. Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, for years a close aid to JP II, said that the process was in its “final stages”.


 A special website www.beatyfikacjaJP2.pl has been launched where people can express their support for the beatification of Pope John Paul. (pg/gg)