• Government against sexual education in schools
  • 06.04.2009

Poland’s Ministry of Education has opposed including sexual education classes on every school’s curriculum.


According to the ministry, obligatory sex classes are unconstitutional. 


MEN explains that parents have the right to bring up their children as they see fit, teaching them morality and religion in agreement with their beliefs.


But sexual health campaigners disagree.


“If parents do not agree with Darwin’s theory, it does not mean that their children can skip biology lessons”, argues Maria Keller-Hamela from Nobody’s Children Foundation, who supports sexual education.


Michal Baran, however, from the Youth Catholic Association claims that, “It is absolutely unacceptable for the state to take the role of parents in bringing up children.” Baran explains that teaching sexuality should be accompanied by morality lessons.  


In January, the Union of Polish Teachers signed an agreement aiming at propagating sexual education in Polish schools. During sex classes pupils were to learn how to protect themselves against HIV and AIDS and how to practice birth control. 


Because of the government’s objection to the plan, starting from the new school year, sexual education classes will become an extra-curriculum activity only for those who are willing to take part in them.  (mg/pg)