Young, educated, employed and with rich social life - this is the picture of your typical Polish Internet user that emerges from several opinion surveys carried out recently and brought together for comparison by the Dziennik daily reporters. What do Poles use Internet for? Are they aware of security threats?

Joanna Najfeld reports


Polish Internet users are on average young, under 34 years old, they have more friends, feel less lonely, don't watch television that much and have more trust in others, than people who do not use the Internet.


Reportedly, Polish Internet users tend to spend too much time on the Web, playing online games, talking at discussion forums, visiting re-union websites, and therefore neglecting their professional and private duties. They also disclose too much personal data. 


According to one study, almost all the people using the Internet leave their personal data there extensively. Job recruitment websites are full of complete CVs with photos, addresses and phone numbers. Community websites are also a great source of all sorts of information for people with ideas how to use them illegally.


One in every 20 respondents of one survey admits to have fallen pray to an Internet fraud, most often while shopping over the Web.


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