As analysts expect autumn to bring more cases of swine flu to Poland with viruses usually more active in that season Poland's authorities step up their efforts to stave off the danger of a possible pandemic. Health ministry ordered four million swine flu vaccines while experts from the Pandemic Committee are debating who should be vaccinated first. 

Danuta Isler reports

According to health minister Ewa Kopacz, the four million doses of swine flu vaccine ordered would be enough to double vaccinate two million Poles. Negotations with pharmaceutical companies which are to deliver the product are currently underway. Just over a million people from the so-called ‘risk group’, which includes doctors, pregnant women and chronically ill children would be the ones to be vaccinated first. The swine flu vaccine is to available in Poland at the end of the year.


The first case of swine flu was recorded in Poland back in May this year. So far there has yet to be any deaths resulting from contracting it. Two hundred fifty thousand cases of the swine flu were confirmed in laboratories around the world. Also, WHO data published in Geneva last Friday speak of at least 2837 deaths resulting from A/H1N1 virus worldwide.