• Poland to face shortage of policemen
  • 09.01.2007
According to a confidential report prepared for the High Command of the state police Poland may face a serious shortage of police force within the next six months. The shortage may reach 16 thousand policemen that is one in eight of those currently in service. Many of those leaving are heading for the British Isles. They can easily find employment in Police Service of Northern Ireland, Garda Siochana in the Republic of Ireland or work as body-guards in Great Britain. Garda alone plans to hire 1000 policemen this year and a group of Polish policemen has already completed their Irish training. The reason of this massive migration is major discrepancy between Polish and British salaries. Popular daily “Dziennik” quotes an anonymous policeman who moved from Poland to London as saying that his first salary in new place was exactly the same as in Poland only the currency was different which means approximately six-fold increase.