‘21st Century Poland’ is the name of a new civic movement launched by a group of centre-right politicians and local government activists.

Its leader, Mayor of Wroclaw Rafal Dutkiewicz, seen by many observers of the Polish scene as a strong candidate in the 2010 presidential elections, outlined its main goals in an exclusive interview for Polish Radio’s External Service.

‘It’s a civic movement. There are many organizations and we’re trying to coordinate the operations of many existing organizations. The focus is on the future of Poland. Poland is a rich country and the position we have in Europe should be much stronger than it is now.  This is what I shall be talking about: the future of Poland, a stronger state but a state that offers much more freedom to the people, a decentralized state.’

‘Europe is changing now. My feeling is that in 5-7 years a new Europe will be born. It will be split into a Europe developing faster and slower. My ambition is for Poland to belong to the former.’

‘It is not our intention at the moment to be a political party. We want to stay on the political market as a civic movement but what happens in the future is an open question’.

‘The decision [whether I will run for Polish presidency] is not taken now. We are in 2008 and the elections will be in 2010. At the moment I am fully dedicated to my activity connected with my city, the city of Wrocław. As Mayor of Wrocław I have to focus on Wroclaw. The decision will be taken in the future.’