• Civic Platform to sue over controversial ad campaign?
  • 20.04.2009

Civic Platform will probably take the Law and Justice party to court for its controversial ad campaign, in which the opposition party makes accusations of nepotism.


“Civic Platform is consulting lawyers to make sure that suing Law and Justice is the right way to protest against the ad,” said Pawel Gras, the government’s spokesman.


Civic Platform politicians are indignant at the campaign spot for the European Parliament elections on 7 June, which allegedly defames the party and misrepresents their election slogan. In the advertisement, Law and Justice represent the slogan as: “A better life for our fiends,” instead of the original: “A better life for everyone”.


Electoral law says that if any campaign materials, such as posters, leaflets, slogans or ads, contain untrue information, a representative of the electoral committee or a candidate for parliament has the right to bring legal action at a district court and ask for correction. (mg/pg) 


Read also: A better life for PO’s friends