• Ruling party scraps opposition Smolensk bills
  • 02.02.2011
Wreckage of the presidential Tu-154. Photo: PAP
The Parliamentary Legislative Committee has rejected two bills filed by the opposition Law and Justice and Democratic Left Alliance, which concern the Smolensk catastrophe and the recently released report on the crash published by the Interstate Aviation Committee, MAK.

The bills were voted against by a narrow majority of 11 to 8, with votes to scrap the bills coming from members of the ruling Civic Platform.

Law and Justice politicians are saying that the move to discard the party’s bill, which called for a rejection of the MAK report, is a manifestation of Civic Platform’s agreement with the Russian publication, which has caused a number of controversies since its release.

Both Law and Justice as well as the Democratic Left Alliance had previously called for the intervention of supranational organisations to investigate the causes of the crash, and which would allow for an objective analysis of the events which happened on 10 April. (jb)

Source: IAR/PAP