• MP wants Star of David in Polish parliament
  • 02.02.2011
MP Janusz Palikot; photo - PR
Maverick MP Janusz Palikot says that if there has to be a Roman Catholic cross hanging on the walls of the lower house of parliament (Sejm) then he wants the Star of David and the Orthodox cross hanging there, too.

In a move that will outrage his many conservative critics, Palikot is going to talk to the Sejm Speaker Grzegorz Schetyna about his latest idea.

“Why is there a symbol of only one religion in the parliament? In my opinion there should be none  - but if I proposed to take the Catholic cross down, it would be seen as an attack on the Church,” the arch-secular Palikot told the TVN 24 news station.

The MP, who left the ruling Civic Platform to form his own, more socially liberal party last year, assures that he will not join the Democratic Left Alliance ahead of parliamentary elections in October, as had been speculated.

“My party will win anyway. I give people hope that the Polish political stage will change for better,” says Palikot.

Recent opinion polls show, however, that support for Palikot’s party is minimal and would not receive any seats in parliament. (pg/mg)