• Support for Civic Platform on the rebound?
  • 23.02.2011


A new poll released by TNS OBOP reveals that Civic Platform could count on 44 percent of the vote if elections were to be held this week, while the major opposition party, Law and Justice would gain 27 percent of the ballot.


Support for both of the major parties has gone up, with Civic Platform gaining 3 percentage points since last month. Law and Justice noted a raise of 1 percentage point.


The TNS OBOP poll, which was commissioned by Gazeta Wyborcza, reveals that the Democratic Left Alliance would gain 12 percent of the ballot, a drop of 1 percentage point. The Polish Peasants’ Party, Civic Platform’s junior coalition partner would gain 6 percent.


“The electorate still treats Civic Platform as a party which ensures stable governments and a feeling of security,” comments Civic Platform MP Rafal Grupinski in Wednesday’s Gazeta Wyborcza.


Meanwhile, ex-Civic Platform Janusz Palikot’s party would gain 4 percent in the ballot, while the newly-formed Poland Comes First party, a breakaway group from Law and Justice would gain just 2 percent. Neither party would gain seats in the Sejm lower parliamentary house. (jb)