• Polish ambassador defends Ireland
  • 19.04.2011


Poland’s ambassador to Ireland has released a dismayed response to an article published in the Polish edition of Newsweek that painted the emerald isle as akin to a third world country following the collapse of its economy.


The original article, written by journalist Marek Rybarczyk, talked of 20,000 stray horses “roaming the suburbs and motorways,” where they “die of hunger.”


Marcin Nawrot, Poland’s ambassador published a response in the Irish Independent calling the original article “unjust and offensive.”


The Polish piece also held that middle-class has-beens had exchanged “fashionable restaurants with starters for 30 euro for free canteens”, piling into aid centres run by Catholic monks.


Citing the 53 tonnes of free cheddar cheese recently distributed by the EU, the journalist  “strongly implied,” (according to the Irish Independent), that the measure was carried out to save the country from mass starvation.


Meanwhile, ambassador Nawrot assured readers that “the Polish people are very fond of Ireland, its people and its culture and are grateful for the warm welcome that thousands of Poles have received in recent years.”


Likewise, Mr Nawrot declared that “like many of my countrymen, I believe the economic problems encountered by Ireland are temporary and they shouldn’t be used to create a false image of your country.” (nh/jb)


Source: Irish Independent