• Silesian activists call for constitution holiday boycott
  • 21.04.2011


Not a likely sight in Silesia?

A local internet portal in the Silesian city of Myslowice has written that Silesians “have nothing to celebrate” on 3 May, as the anniversary of the signing of Poland’s first contitution in 1791 is “a Polish, not Silesian, anniversary”.


The Myslowice Residents’ Portal quotes Silesian Peter Langer as saying that he will be hanging Silesian flags “on 1 May, as that is when Silesia joined the EU.”


The website writes that 3 May is Poland’s most acclaimed holiday resting alongside Independence Day on 11 November. It adds, however, that it has nothing to do with Silesia, as the region lay outside the borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1791.


“So why should Silesians celebrate this day?,” the portal regales.


According to the right-leaning wPolityce.pl portal, the campaign in Silesia is to try and get as many people as possible to fly the regional Silesian flag, and not the Polish flag proper.


“As a ‘lite’ version, [Silesian flags will fly] next to Polish ones,” the portal writes, while “in the ‘hard’ version, [Silesian flags will fly] instead of Polish flags.”


The Myslowice Residents’ Portal accompanies the article with shops where Silesian flags can be bought, as well as encourages Silesians to take pictures of their homes decorated with Silesian colours. (jb)