• Easter sees thirty dead on Polish roads
  • 25.04.2011
Photo: east news
Since the beginning of the long Easter weekend, 31 people have died in road accidents across the country, with police patrols arresting over 1,400 drunk drivers.

Beginning on Friday, the police’s “Safe Weekend” road safety campaign has noted some 299 accidents, in which 31 people have died and 361 have been injured.

Patrols have also stopped 1,462 drunk drivers so far, although that number will probably rise by the end of the long weekend, Monday evening.

Last year, police stopped almost 1,800 drunk drivers during the same Easter period.

Marek Konkolewski from the Polish Police Heaquarters told Polish Radio that people who drink even a drop of alcohol should not get behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Konkolewski added that passengers should also be aware of who is driving them and if they have had anything to drink.

“If an accident occurs, then passengers may also be morally responsible for allowing the law to be broken,” Konkolewski underlined.

Police are to continue their “Safe Weekend” campaign until the end of Monday, with heightened activity on all major routes throughout the country. (jb)