Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Pawel Kowal has made critical remarks concerning present minister's summary of his first 100 days in office.
"This is an unprecedented event on a global scale, for I have not yet heard a democratic government asserting in public that their predecessors, also a democratic government, have put their country into isolation", commented Kowal, quoted by "Rzeczpospolita", in response to Sikorski's statement.
According to Kowal, no radical change took place in Polish-Russian relations, as the government is claiming, and the ministry's stating that it did must result from an assumption that the public has no access to the media.
The Law and Justice (PiS0 member of parliament stressed that the public knows of no "spectacular results" of PM Donald Tusk's visit to Moscow, but it knows of the complications in Poland's relations with its eastern neighbours.
When asked about the US missile-shield negotiations, Kowal answered that what is known about them, leads to believe that "in this case the present government seems to be continuing the policy of the previous one", which satisfies him greatly. (mn)