• FM announces how Poles abroad can vote in EP elections
  • 10.04.2009


Polish citizens living or temporarily staying abroad will be able to cast their votes in the elections to the European Parliament at 182 election constituencies, announced Polish Foreign Ministry.

Those interested have to file a special document at their local consulate to be added to the voters' list.

As many as 28 Polish constituencies have been set up in the UK, that includes four in London alone. Germany and the United States will have ten each, Ireland seven, Canada six, France and Ukraine five each, Russia four, Italy, Sweden, Brazil and Belarus three constituencies each. Also Polish soldiers stationed in Afghanistan will have a chance to vote in six locations.

The elections to the European Parliament will be held on the 7th of June. Fifty Polish eurodeputies will be chosen. Election centers will be open from 8 to 10 local time.

In the previous elections to the European Parliament, only 15 thousand Poles voted abroad, which is about ten times less than in the previous elections to the Polish parliament.
